Changing the Way We Care for Families in India

Changing the Way We Care, a global initiative promoting family-based care for all children and a 100&Change finalist in 2017, knows the best place for a child is with family. Jomey Joseph of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) India and Anne Smith of Changing the Way We Care explain why family care is critical to helping families to stay together.

Changing the Way We Care set out to fortify an exhausted system. Working with religious and government partners to put strategies into place to aid families during COVID-19 was extremely hard. The organization combined immediate financial aid with longer-term support like counseling, parenting classes, service recommendations, and income-generating activities employing specialized case management. As a direct result, the organization was able to connect children who were at risk of family separation with the resources they needed to stay together.

See the full article on the MacArthur Foundation's website for more details about this vital international initiative.

Sruti (second from right) has been supported to care for her children at home with the help of the government of India, Changing the Way We Care, and local partners.
Caption: Sruti (second from right) has been supported to care for her children at home with the help of the government of India, Changing the Way We Care, and local partners.
Credit: Changing the Way We Care

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